Senior Project Due Date 3 / 23

This week I decided to start over on my senior project because I wasn’t liking how it was turning out. I started over completely so I sketched a new picture and I need to scan it into the computer. I decided to switch over and use Khan Academy to create my senior project. So far what I have completed is the ground, the sky, one of the flowers, and the sidewalk leading up to the house. I also have started on the house. I have also added some clouds into the sky. What I want to do is try and get the clouds to move across the screen with the sun.
            This time what I am going to have my project be is still an image, but this time it’s going to have some animations in there. The animations that I want is the smoke from the chimney to come out, I want the sun to move across the screen with the clouds. What I’m going to try to see if I can do is while the sun moves across the screen I am going to try to get the color of the sky to change with it, so it all goes together. 
            Since I decided to start over I’m not really with my due dates anymore, but I will be making new due dates. Once I have created new due dates I’m going to write them down somewhere and attach them to my blog post, so I will be able to stay more organized. I have been doing great on staying on task during class and not wasting any time. I have come in after school to get more items done on my project.

            Some of the struggles that I had was trying to get the petals on the flowers to look normal and not deformed. This was a tricky task because I was using a shape that I have never used before called Bezier. The Bezier is made by coordinate points in this order; (x1, y1, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x2, y2). The x1 stands for the x-coordinate of the first endpoint. The y1 stands for the y-coordinate of the first endpoint. The cx1 stands for the x coordinate for the first control point. The cy1 stands for the y-coordinate of the first control point. The cx2 stands for the x-coordinate of the second control point. The cy2 stands for the y-coordinate of the second control point. The x2 stands for the x-coordinate of the second endpoint, and the y2 stands for the y-coordinate for the second endpoint.

Down below is what I have completed ever since I started over on my project.

I still have to add the lines, so it can start to look like a brick house and then I'm going to add some decorative items on the house.


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