Map Web Page
In my web design class we are making a demo of a website which is of a map as the web page and on the map there will be markers with info on each one. We are doing this project for a potential client. What the client wants is to be able to zoom in and out on the map and see all of the places where he has done improvements on. If you rollover on the markers then you'll be able to see 2 pictures of the before and after work and you'll also be able to see what they improved at that house. We had to do some research to get some inspirations on different websites to see how the website should look like. The 3 options that I found was,, and is a real estate website. This website has a map with locations of any places that you can buy or rent from or you can even put your house up for sale. If you scroll over any marker on the map a little popup box pops up. The little popup box includes the number of beds and bathrooms are in that...