
Showing posts from August, 2015

Wayback machine project

In 1998 the website ebay, that is known for buying and selling stuff online, looked different online. In 1998 the tabs that you could explore to see something related to what you are looking for was on the left hand side. Today's ebay website has the tabs at the top of the page. the tabs were also different back in 1998. 1998's ebay had tabs from Antiques to Coins& Stamp to Toys&Beanies. Ebay today has tabs from Motors to Collectibles& Art to Deals& Gifts. The code source for Ebay"s website was also different. Ebay's code source in 1998 used a lot of <script type= while Ebay's code source now has the word ebay spelled out in source code. Wikipedia also looked somewhat different in 2001. In 2001 Wikipedia's logo was different then what it is today. In 2001 it was just a circle with words in it. The logo today for Wikipedia has more of a 3-D shape. Wikipedia in 2001 had 3,000 pages and wanted to get to 100,000. Today Wikip...